Computer Games

Hey guys!  Today, I will be talking about computer games.  Computer games are fun, and here are a lot of them.  Some can be fun or some can be educational.  I’ve had a lot of experience from computer games.

My experiences:

Well, I have had A LOT of computer game experience.  I have been playing computer games since I was three.  Yes, three.  One of the computer games I played while I was three was called: Kindergarten World.  All I remember from that game was there were humanoid, talking, animals.  The main one was a dog.  They taught you about the things you learn in kindergarten while making it a game.  And guess what happened when I finished Kindergarten World?  I PLAYED FIRST GRADE WORLD (or something like that…)

Another game I played when I was three… Was this:

I’M NOT LYING!  I actually DID play World of Warcraft when was three.  My parents recorded me playing.  I was only three, so I was really bad at it.  I probably just ran around, fight low level monsters, and talked to NPCs for no reason.  I don’t really remember anything else, but I had fun playing it.

I found a website explaining World of Warcraft here.

Aye Sir!


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